How many weeks pregnant can fly internationally with American Airlines?
  • 27 Jun, 2024
  • Travel tips
  • Travomint

How many weeks pregnant can fly internationally with American Airlines?

When you are pregnant, going through the journey is definitely not that easy, as it requires a lot of struggle. American Airlines also understands the concern with the health of the mother and the child, and this is the reason that they have some rules and regulations that have been pronounced so you do not face any major inconveniences during the journey and the mother and the child remain safe. If your flight is within four weeks of your due delivery date, then you can travel with the airline, but you have to convince the authorities that you are fit to travel by presenting the related documents such as the prescription or fit to fly certificate from the airline. Once the airline is sure that there are no complications in letting you have the journey with them, they will make the arrangements and let you make the bookings for the flight ticket. 

Can I fly internationally at 30 weeks pregnant?

Generally, women are not allowed after the 36th week as after this, the situation remains critical for the mother, and traveling by air could be problematic for them. American Airlines permitted you to travel with them between the 28th and the 35th week. The starting period of their pregnancy is also critical, and they do not permit a trip. Even if you want to travel with them, you should be informed about everything so you do not have to face any difficulties while traveling with the airline. We have listed all these situations below for your convenience.

Can a 7 month pregnant woman fly?

Women who do not have any problems or complications in their pregnancy will be able to travel before and till the 36th week of pregnancy. If you are having any troubles with the services, then you can contact the airline. It is mandatory to let the airline know if you are having any troubles or inconveniences during the journey. Before the 36th week of the pregnancy, certification from the doctor may not be required, but after that period, you need to have all the documents that will ensure the airline about your flight.

Do I need to tell the airline I'm pregnant?

If you do not have any problems in your pregnancy and you have planned the travel before the 36th week of your pregnancy, then you do not have to necessarily inform the airline about the situation. But if you have crossed the 36th week of your pregnancy, then there is no doubt that many health officials will advise you not to travel, and the airline will not permit you for the same. You will require all the documentation to book a journey with American Airlines after the 36th week. 

When can you no longer fly pregnant internationally?

You can travel while pregnant internationally, but there are some restrictions, rules, and regulations that you have to follow. We have mentioned them below to make things quick and convenient so you do not have to face any inconvenience or troubles during the journey. Go through them carefully and inform yourself:

  • Women with twins and triplets are not allowed to travel after the 32nd week of pregnancy as this can be dangerous for them and the baby. 
  • If you are pregnant with triplets, then you need to let the airline know about this before the journey gets started. 
  • Make sure you submit all the documents before the travel, such as the ticket, VISA, medical papers, and health certificate from the doctor that will signify that you are perfect for traveling. 
  • Once the airline accepts all the documents, you are free to travel with them without any inconvenience. 
  • When you are pregnant, you are not permitted to check in online as there are certain things that may not be suitable for you, and the process can take place at the airport. 
  • You cannot pick seats that are near to exit and entry gates on the flight. 

What safety measures pregnant women should take during the journey?

Apart from the restrictions the airlines have imposed and the facilities they have provided, you should take some safety measures:

  • You should carry a water bottle and keep yourself hydrated during the journey. 
  • Wear compression stockings to maintain the blood flow in the body.
  • If you have swelling, keep rotating your feet and make the movement.