How to cancel a flight and get a full refund on All Nippon Airways?
Life is uncertain, and sometimes it leads to changes in travel plans. If you are also encountering a sudden change in plans and need to cancel the All Nippon Airways existing booking either because of medical conditions or other reasons but are looking for assistance with canceling it and the cancellation fee, Significantly, All Nippon Airways allows their travelers to cancel their booking either directly through the official website, by calling the customer support phone number, or even at the Airport. You must cancel the flight tickets using the following methods to get a full refund.
Cancel All Nippon Airways tickets online:
Most travelers prefer to cancel their booking online, as it is a more convenient method than other channels. However, you need to keep a few things handy, including the booking confirmation code and last name mentioned on the itinerary. As discussed in the following data, you should follow a few basic steps to raise the cancellation request online.
- Passengers should head towards the official website of All Nippon Airways.
- Browse the homepage and tap on the Manage Booking icon.
- The traveler must now enter the booking reference code and last name in the field box.
- Select your flight number to retrieve the booking, and tap the Cancel icon.
- Thus, to cancel the itinerary, follow further instructions and move to pay the cancellation fee if the application is to complete the process.
- After that, airline officials will share the cancellation notification with your registered email address.
Note: Once the booked flight is canceled, you can raise the refund request on the same page, and the Airline will initiate the refund within seven business days. If the payment was made via cash or payment mode, it will take more than seven days.
How do you cancel all Nippon Airways flight tickets by phone?
Passengers who failed to cancel their All Nippon Airways flight tickets online because of technical error or other reasons can initiate the cancellation by calling the Airline's official customer support phone number. The number is available 24 hours a day and seven business days to assist travelers. Therefore, we have mentioned the step-by-step process in the further information.
- To cancel the booking online, the traveler should dial 1800-235-9262 and await a response.
- Then, you should choose a specific language and follow the automated instructions.
- Select the suitable number key, which connects the call with the executive.
- When the call is linked with the officials, ask the airline officials to cancel the booking by providing them with essential details.
- Once the booking has been canceled, the Airline will notify the registered email address.
All Nippon Airways Cancellation Policy:
Before raising the Cancellation request, it is better to familiarize yourself with the All Nippon Airways Cancellation policy terms and conditions to understand under which circumstances passengers are liable to pay the cancellation charges, which may vary depending on several factors. It is highly recommended that the cancellation policy, especially for those flying for the first time on All Nippon Airways, be checked for a hassle-free process.
- Passengers can get complimentary cancellation within 24 hours of purchase, but the booked flight departure must be scheduled after seven business days. This is applicable for all fare types.
- According to the All Nippon Airways Cancellation Policy, travelers are not supposed to cancel via Airline's official website when booking, including upgrade flights, multiple names, purchases via Cash, and others.
- If you wish to cancel the non-refundable fare, the airline can provide a refund only for the applicable fee and taxes, but the ticket value cannot be refunded.
- All Nippon Airways refundable fare holders can raise the cancellation request 24 hours before the departure and get a complete refund.
- Travelers who have purchased flight tickets using the cash payment method can cancel them by calling the airline's customer support phone number. However, it will take longer to get a refund.
- As per the ANA Cancellation policy, the Airline will initiate a refund after the cancellation. The refund will take approximately seven business days and will be credited to the original payment method only.
How much does All Nippon Airways charge for cancellation?
Usually, All Nippon Airways cancellation fees may vary based on numerous aspects, including departure/ arrival Airport, cancellation time, fare types, and more. Here, you will discover the cancellation charges based on the date/time of cancellation.
- No cancellation charges are applicable if the traveler cancels the flight ticket at least 55 days before departure.
- If the booking is canceled at least 45 days before departure, the passenger may be required to pay 30% of the fare.
- To cancel the reservation before 30 days, the Airline charges an equivalent amount of 40% of the fare, whereas, before 15 days of departure, the cancellation fee is nearly %50.
- Passengers who consider raising the cancellation request 13 days before the departure date might be required to pay 60% of the cancellation fee from the original payment method.