How to cancel and refund Cebu Pacific ticket?
  • 24 Feb, 2025
  • Travel tips
  • Travomint

How to cancel and refund a Cebu Pacific ticket? 

Canceling a flight can be daunting for a passenger, and they have to modify their traveling program. But before canceling the flight, you must ask whether you will get a refund from the airline or not. To solve this query, you must get information on the airline's refund conditions. There are certain conditions under which the airlines waive your cancellation fees. Moreover, if you have a booking with Cebu Pacific and you are going to cancel the flight, then this post is for you. This post comprises the cancellation policy, refund policy, and associated processes. Without any further ado, let's read it. 

Cancellation policy of Cebu Pacific   

Cebu Pacific understands that passengers might need to change their booked flights for professional or personal reasons. The airline has a cancelation policy that allows passengers to cancel the flight without any interruption. If you are wondering about the rules of the cancelation policy of Cebu Pacific, then you must gather the details that are written in the following lines: 

  • Passengers of Cebu Pacific can cancel the flight within 24 hours of booking the flight. As per this rule, passengers do not have to pay any cancellation fees. But the booking must be done in advance of seven days or more from the departure date of the flight. 
  • Any passenger who is not able to cancel their flight within 24 hours of booking the flight then, the airline will ask for cancellation charges from the passengers.  
  • If passengers have CEB Flexi add-on and Go Flexi Fare Bundle then the airlines will not ask for the cancellation charges from such passengers. 
  • The charges for the cancelation fees depend on the flight length, class of the airlines, type of flight, and any associated fees of the flight.  
  • The airline permits its passengers to cancel the flight through different channels like online and offline. 

Refund policy of Cebu Pacific  

Getting a refund from Cebu Pacific involves simple steps. At the time of canceling the flight, you can share your will for a refund with the airline. But before that, you must get information on Cebu Pacific's refund policy. If you are in a situation where you need to ask for a refund from Cebu Pacific, then adhere to the steps that are noted down in the following lines: 

  • After requesting a refund, if found eligible, then the airlines will initiate the process within 15 days of sharing the refund request. 
  • The refund will be shared with the passengers using the same mode of payment that passengers used at the time of the original flight purchase. 
  • If the flight was canceled from the airline's side, then passengers can get a refund. If you are struggling to get a refund, then you can immediately connect with the customer service of the airline. 
  • If unforeseen situations like serious illness and death of the passengers, the airlines will give the refund. 

What is the process for canceling and getting a refund from Cebu Pacific?  

Cebu Pacific is a prominent airline that can be accessed by passengers to travel worldwide. The airline is famous for its unparalleled services in the sky and on the ground. In any case, if you have a booking with Cebu Pacific, you need to acknowledge some of the policies like cancellation and refund policies of the airlines. For the policies, you can go through the rules that are written in the previous paragraph. After reading these, if you want to know about the 

  • First, browse the official site of Cebu Pacific in your internet search tab. 
  • Now, you need to examine the top bar of the home page. 
  • Choose the option "Manage" and opt for "Manage Booking". 
  • Booking reference number, last name of the passenger, or email address will be entered in the asked boxes. 
  • Now, tap on the continue tab, and your flight will be retrieved; pick your flight. 
  • Hit the cancel button followed by the refund option (if applicable). 
  • Your flight will be canceled, and a refund will be initiated. 


To begin with, cancelation the flight and refunding the flight is an easy process for passengers who are aware of its policies. These policies reduce the stress of losing the hard-earned money. If you have never canceled the flight or requested a refund from Cebu Pacific, then you can approach the data that has been mentioned in the above lines.