What is allowed on international carry-on? 
  • 17 Jun, 2024
  • Travel tips
  • Travomint

What is allowed on international carry-on? 

Are you flying internationally but have no idea what to carry on the plane? Well, flying internationally can be exciting and stressful at the same time. It's exciting because you will explore a new country and stressful because packing can be pretty challenging. However, you don't need to worry as the article aims to provide all the information related to carry-on items internationally. What to pack in a carry-on for an international flight? What is not allowed, and how much can you carry on internationally? Read the complete article below to find out the answer to every question. 

What Can You Bring in Your Carry-On?

Here are some standard items that most of the airlines allow you to carry: 

Clothes and Personal Stuff- You can pack extra clothes for the flight if the checked baggage gets delayed or canceled or you spill something. Also, keep personal items like a toothbrush and a comb. 

Gadgets: Bring your laptop, smartphone, chargers, and camera, and ensure you charged them already.

Liquids, Gels, and Sprays: As per the 3-1-1 liquids rule, keep liquids, like shampoo or lotion, in small bottles around 3.4 ounces or less and ensure they fit in one clear plastic bag.

Medicine: You should bring the medicines with you and try to keep them in the original bottles if you can. If any medicine needs to be injected, have a note from the doctor. 

Snacks: You can also bring food not restricted to the country you are flying. 

Something to Do: Your flight duration may be long, so you can carry a novel, book, tablet, or something that keeps you busy.

Essentials you should pack: 

Travel Papers: Do not forget to keep your passport, visa, insurance, tickets, government ID, and other documents that are related to the trip. 

Gadgets: Don't forget your device's chargers and the travel adapter for plugs.

Other Stuff: You can keep a small pillow, something to cover your eyes, and earplugs to help you sleep better on the flight. 

Health Kit: Keep the health essentials, such as hand sanitizer, toothbrush, mask, and deodorant or perfume, to feel fresh. 

What is not allowed to hand carry on international flights? 

Here is the list of some items that airlines do not allow on planes because of safety reasons: 

Sharp Things: You cannot carry big scissors, knives, or anything sharp that can be used as a weapon on a plane. 

Guns and Bullets: You are not allowed to carry Guns and Bullets in the carry-on baggage.

Flammable Stuff: You cannot carry flammable items that can catch fire easily, such as lighter fluid and fireworks, on the plane.

Big Bottles of Liquid: Airlines do not allow the carrying of large bottles of liquid, except for medicine and baby food. 

Harmful Chemicals: Any strong chemical or kind of poison is not allowed. If the airline finds something, they will discard it.

How much do you carry on an international flight? 

The amount of carry-on you can bring depends on the airlines you are flying with. Generally, you can carry one carry-on and personal items such as a purse, laptop bag, etc. The carry-on size in most airlines is around 22 x 14 x 9 inches, including the handles and wheels. The maximum weight of the carry-on should be between 15 to 20 pounds. Besides, as every airline has a different baggage policy, you should always speak to the airline directly or visit the airline's official website for more details. Also read about how much is 20kg baggage in Philippine Airlines International?

Conclusion: When flying internationally, packing properly can save time and make you feel relaxed and comfortable. Every airline has different rules regarding carry-on baggage, including what you can carry, what is not allowed, and how much you can carry on an international flight. The article above explains the standard rule that most airlines follow. However, you can speak to the airline directly for accurate information. Besides, always navigate the carry-on baggage policy for international flights on the airline's website to avoid hassle and inconvenience.