How many weeks pregnant can a passenger fly with Philippine Airlines? 
  • 09 May, 2024
  • Travel tips
  • Travomint

A travel guide for to-be mommies with Philippine Airlines. 

For all the expecting mommies, nothing should stop you from traveling to the destination of your choice. What makes the trip worthwhile is how comforting it would be on a plane. Keeping the comfort of the expectant mothers at the crux, Philippine Airlines has formulated their travel experience, which makes it very relaxing and, at the same time, helps to rejuvenate before the long trip ahead. The content below gives a detailed explanation of the well-developed comfort of traveling with Philippine Airlines. Read on to find the details pertaining to the same, which will help you make the reservation accordingly. 

How many weeks pregnant can a passenger fly with Philippine Airlines? 

Generally speaking, you should avoid flying if your pregnancy is more than 28 months. You have to ask the doctors and the team for permission to travel if it will be within 28 months. Pregnancy increases your risk factor when it comes to travel. This is because the air pressure decreases above a certain altitude, making it harder for women to travel. Many people experience anxiety when traveling because of various health problems. Pregnant women are more likely to die when flying.

How far into pregnancy can a passenger fly with Philippine Airlines? 

Concerning learning about the information of how far a pregnant pregnancy can fly, you must adhere to certain policies and guidelines that should be followed for help with the detailed information. These are as follows: 

  • For the mother's comfort and well-being, doctors recommend against flying after 37 months, during the first three weeks of pregnancy, or in the first three weeks following the baby's delivery.
  • Permission is not required, but you should consult your doctor for guidance and make sure you have the relevant paperwork with you in case you need it for any further services you would like.
  • Wearing compression stockings will promote healthy blood circulation.
  • It is recommended that soon-to-be mothers dress comfortably and in layers to deflect attention and ensure the kind of comfort they want.
  • Reserve aisle seats on the plane to ensure that getting off the seat and avoiding smacks to the stomach is as easy as possible.
  • Stay hydrated and steer clear of carbonated or aerated beverages to prevent becoming restless when traveling.
  • Reserve seats on Isle to avoid bangs. Additionally, you can reserve bassinet seats with greater room if you are expecting two babies and must keep a safe distance from the seat in front of you. You can use the extra room that the seat has by closing the bassinet.
  • Contact the airline's customer support department if you require any special assistance. You can request something at the airport or in advance. To take advantage of this particular help, you can also contact the airport support team. 

What documentation is required for pregnant travelers flying with Philippine Airlines? 

To board the flight and ride on the aircraft, you must provide the following documentation to the airport if you are pregnant. The following documents are needed:

  • The patient's name and birthdate are listed in official documents.
  • Reports pertaining to several pregnancies, either one or more.
  • Report with an estimated delivery date.
  • Records that indicate the complexity of the pregnancy.
  • The MEDIF form must be completed on the airline's official website.
  • A medical certification attesting to fitness so that you can travel. 
  • Hand help reports of pregnancy. 

Should I inform the airline if I am pregnant or not? 

Yes, you must inform the airline if you are pregnant while traveling on the airline and also must take enough measures and precautions so that you can travel. Even if you have a normal pregnancy, i.e., without any complications, even then the airline must be informed beforehand. 

Tips for pregnant mothers to fly with Philippine Airlines. 

When traveling with a pregnant lady, you must adhere to certain tips to ease the trip for you. Here are a few tips that you can follow for the booking with Philippine Airlines are as follows: 

  • Wear lightweight or cotton clothes. 
  • Drink ample water throughout the trip.
  • Avoid canned and packaged food during the flight. 
  • Carry all your pregnancy-related documents.
  • Schedule a visit with the doctor and get the necessary check-up done for the travel. 
  • Avoid traveling in the third trimester. 
  • Choose a seat that is less busy so that you can avoid unnecessary disturbance.